I am going back and forth about wearing a veil right now. I mean, I love veils especially in photographs and the way it blows in the wind but I am just not so sure if I want to spend so much for one as I plan on taking it off during the reception. I will most likely borrow a veil from a friend and I can count that as my "something borrowed". But should I forego the veil completely? Hmm...not so sure. What I do know is that I am planning on wearing a hairpiece throughout the night so I am turning to the ever so talented and crafty people on Etsy. Here's a few of my favorites:

I really adore this piece from Muscari. The guinea hen feathers and the soft pink petals ties in with my wedding colors to a T!

I love every single one of these pieces and it's so hard to choose. If only I could wear each piece every hour...that would be heavenly. Which one do you like the most?
I definitely like the last one the best!